Saturday, August 11, 2007

Thursday, August 2, 2007

I wanna learn how to do this

some guy figured out how to hack guitar hero and make his own song. This is wolf and raven by sonata arctica. I really want to learn how to do this

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


so i was pretty stupid and didnt put on sunscreen, at all, ever. So now i'm a giant tomato, except im skinny, and i can talk, and im not a plant. So basically im just red, everywhere

Thursday, July 26, 2007


sara's pic of jake is pretty good. But this one is better. Jake is awesome

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Dumbest thing ever

This is seriously the dumbest thing i have ever watched on youtube

Friday, July 20, 2007

Braces Suck

thats it.

Monday, July 16, 2007



awesome band

these guys only sing in a shout chorus, but its ok because they are an awesome band with awesome guitar drums and bass. bang camaro

Friday, July 6, 2007


Well cheez its are amazing, i actually couldnt sleep soundly without knowing that my 3lb box was by my side, so heres me sleeping with my cheez its

Thursday, July 5, 2007


Well we went to hava supai. It was fun. Very Fun. I actually had a great time. Sara was in a bad mood. So was everyone else.


So we started at about 6. The bus was late. And we drove for a really long time, I think we got there at 6 30? Sometime around then. As soon as we got there, we climbed off the bus and ate a quick little breakfast and started our hike in. I actually liked the hikes in and out. But I don't know if other people can say the same thing. Most people would have probably enjoyed it more if we weren't in such a big group.

The group I hiked in with got to the campground at about 10, 10 30. Then people just started spontaniously arriving till about 2 in the afternoon. We got bored really fast. Then at about 4ish we all went down to mooney falls at the bottom of the campground. Sara almost had a serious concussion on the rope swing. Scary. But its ok cuz evan jason would have dove in right after her. Just kidding, he's a creep

I think we did the service project on day two, or at least we tried to. I can't remember exactly why it didn't happen, but it didn't. Then we went to navajo falls and jumped off of them. One of my favorite parts of the trip.

Day 3 we actually did the service project, with great efficency too. We got done pretty early. And then we went to navajo falls and Jennifer took pictures. I would put some on, but i dont wanna take the time to save them all onto my computer, sorry. We started hiking out that night in the dark, which was an excellent idea btw. I'm really glad we did half of it at night, there is no way we would have made it out of the switchbacks without the sun hitting if we didn't. It was just kinda scary walking through the village at night, cuz greg said there were cougars. Which i didn't believe, cuz i dont think cougars can live down there

Day 4 is the last day of our trip, we just finished the hike out. and left. and pretty much everything that could possibly go wrong with a tour bus went wrong. our air conditioning went out and the internal temperature of the bus got up to 120 or something, it was really hot, cuz we were in the mojave desert. So we had to stop for an hour at rite aid and wait for our bus driver to fix the air conditioning. And then our tire blew up. That was also fun. It put us on a pretty big detour, but we got see fireworks, which i fell asleep during. And then James Burkhart woke me up before the bus ran me over. (i fell asleep in the parking lot behind the bus). Then we all fell asleep, and ended up getting home at 6 in the morning. another great addition to our trip.

That is all. Sorry about the no pictures btw

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


This kid is amazing, i could never do this. and this is GH2 btw. and hes 8 years old. wouldnt appreciate this until youve played this song on expert. and yes. i have no life

i get back to you on supai later

Saturday, June 16, 2007

New Pics

Well I found those purple dry suit pics, so here they are, enjoy, its purple

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Back in.... bright purple?

So after a three month break from the Utah Olympic Park, the summer season has started up and we've have started training. This is my fourth year there, and my third year on the water ramps, so i'm kinda used to the drill.

1. arrive on time (1:00pm) or coach gets angry (coach has gotten used to it)

2. get wristband or you get kicked off the pool deck

3. lag multitude of gear down to the pool deck, place accurately in locker room

4. coach tells you to suit up

5. commense suit up 10 minutes later

6. enter pool deck suited up 10 minutes after commensing suit up

7. train for an hour and a half to 2 hours

8. unsuit quickly because your wet suit is wet and uncomfortable

9. bounce on the tramp for a half hour

10. go up to the day lodge and watch video that the coach took

11. come back down to the pool deck

12. tramp for another hour

13. commense suit up, take even longer because your wetsuit is wet and is really hard to get on, and is ofcourse very awkward feeling

14. water ramp until 5:15pm

15. unsuit and meander until your mom gets there at 5:45 (even though shes supposed to be there at 5:30)

So thats basically what i do twice a week, but its way fun and i love it. It was kinda wierd for me this time, because i showed up in a purple dry suit... ya it was somewhat awkwardish.

I don't have any pics from this season because i've only been there twice (it started this week) but i do have some other pics of me in the purple dry suit at uop, but no one was there so the awkwardness doesn't count

Well never mind i thought i did but i guess not, but this is one of the tramps at the UOP
This is from 2 years ago, so i'm pretty small, and these pics were also taken from footage so its a little blurry

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Changed My mind

I honestly think this is much more entertaining than the one below. If anyone can figure out what he says throughout the entire thing let me know, and by the way this is hilarious

Friday, June 8, 2007


just watch this, its really funny, like really really really funny.

that was awesome huh

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


so apperantly my blog has gotten really boring in the past few weeks. But it will get better, i promise. there is a great event coming up in the near future that i will post about. (if pictures are taken of this event....hint hint barbers)(its this thursday morning, so be there)

I think i am craving pizza right now... delicous pizza.... from davanzas mmmm

Monday, June 4, 2007

new post?

well i guess im supposed to post about interesting things. but i also think i am directly disobeying that law with this post. This was not my idea, it was sara's. She told me to write about how i got to go to coldstone and booster juice in the same day. Which i dont find that interesting.

So basically brother bowen let us out of seminary as soon as we finished our tests, and luckily sara was there. So as soon as i was done, i grabbed all of my stuff and we took Randy (randerson) kuhni to coldstone. And then she said booster juice, so we went there too. It was pretty eventful. But i got out of school early so im not complaining.

That is all


Saturday, May 19, 2007


wow i am definitely way way bored right now cuz i have nothing to do and i have a birthday party and my mom wants me to clean but i dont want so i dont think i will........ that is all

PS check out my pic up top, its sweet huh

for those of you that can read webdings:

wow i am definitely way way bored right now cuz i have nothing to do and i have a birthday party and my mom wants me to clean but i dont want so i dont think i will........ that is all

PS check out my pic up top, its sweet huh

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Some Dudes Elbow Burn

So basically, we went to a copper mine on our monday off... and got really bored, really fast. So we went a place called Some Dude's Playground somewhere in Salt Lake. It was pretty fun, except for all of the elbow and knee cap burns... Here are a few pics

This is us all gathered infront of the "amazing" copper mine (it's just a really big hole, it's not that great) I think maybe Kip, Dillon, and Sara are the only ones smiling in this photo

Now this shot just makes me laugh, because when this was taken I was laughing, and I still am, just look closely at dillon's face, it was pretty funny
This is a tribute to dillon, we really weren't supposed to be doing this, but we did anyway, and this is probably the best pic of all of us, so here u are dillon, if u even look at this

Thursday, May 3, 2007


ya so i looked online and the killers concert was rescheduled to the 31st and is no longer on the 18th, which kinda sucks cuz my parents will be out of town

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

So it's My turn

well apparently it's my turn to post something so uhh here ya go:

This song is basically just noise with a high pitched singing voice and some guitars so here you are: Guns N Roses- The Garden of Eden